Somewhere around five hundred eighty seven million cups of coffee are brewed up and drank per day. It's no wonder we humans have developed so many ways to extract the flavor from ground coffee to make our favorite and the most consumed beverage in the world. With so many options it can get awfully confusing as to what kind(s) of coffee machine to get and how to use it. Below is a small assortment of the different coffee equipment you can own and a quick rundown on how to use any of them.
Knowing the Right Amount of Coffee to Use
It's important to know that no pot or shot of coffee will taste right without the appropriate amount of fresh grounds. The best way to get the right amount is to weigh whole beans on a scale. It takes 1 to 2 grams of coffee (dependent on the strength of coffee you want) per ounce of water. We're also aware most people don't have kitchen scales on hand at all times. In that case the common coffee scoop or a tablespoon will do. One level coffee scoop or two tablespoons of grounds per 6 ounce cup should get you a great tasting coffee. Using a bag of Loxley Coffee will make it even better!
Types of Grinders
The Common Coffee Machines
Click a picture below to learn about what the machine is, proper grind settings, and how we'd use each to brew our cup of coffee!
Click below to return to our method or find out more about coffee!